So. Many. Photos!

I have a post I want to write soon. About my own personal idea of utopia. Lucky for me, I used to live in the place I imagine as being the most awesome (although the rest of it was less ideal. My utopia involves a lack of migraines. I can’t remember the last time I had a lack of migraines).

So, me being me, I figure I’ll go through a bunch of my photos of said place and see if there are any I can edit and show you. Did I mention the fact that I take photos like wow? Not always great and world shattering. But I can go on a week long vacation to visit the folks and come back with over 2000 images. 

My poor phone. 

I did sort out some of the more promising ones from the past few trips. I stuck them in a folder and I need to do more weeding. Because you know how many ‘promising’ photos I have taken in the past few years? 


Yes. I cut so many. All down to landscapes and seascapes and pretty pretty mountains. And still 

Over a thousand!

Here are a few, unedited, unanythinged

I’m still going through to find that perfect one for the ‘utopia’ post.


Devil’s Club/Pushki may be medicinal at the root, but getting down there is  bitch. In fact, this plant in general is a bitch to deal with. Seriously. Just…don’t touch it. OW.

This moss is much softer. Soggier maybe, but softer.

My utopia has an abundance of water of all sorts. River, ocean, river and ocean together…

At this point in my photo choosing, I realized that my camera had taken all the pictures in 72 DPI. I’m crying. CRYING.

Majestic rock is majestic x10 with the sun behind it. And then you try to climb the majestic rock and the seaweed around the base tries to kill you. But hey, it sounds like you’re walking on bubble wrap, so there’s that.

Exit Glacier and a peek at the Harding Icefield. And nowhere near the top of this trail!

Almost at the top! My knees were screaming, I was making vows to buy a Camelbak, and there was still more trail! My parents had the right idea. Park in the sun for a bit 🙂

And there you go. Canidates for utopia. If I could afford to live there any more. If I didn’t have to do pesky things like work. If. If. If. But for now, at least I get to visit. 

All photos are (C)

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